The purpose of the Young Writers’ Award is to inspire children to commit their thoughts and ideas to paper and promote reading and writing for children of primary school age.
The Young Writers’ Award comprises two categories with up to five young authors shortlisted in each category. Each shortlisted entry will receive a $150 Book Club voucher and Certificate of Achievement. The winner of each category will receive a $250 Book Club voucher and winning entry from each category will be published as hard copy book and in e-book format. Entries are open to children in the 9 to 13 age group.
Winners will have their books proofread and edited as required, illustrated and published. All stories must be the original work of the child. Assistance with seeding of ideas, story structure and final proofing may be provided by a mentor.
Entries may form part of a school’s writing and literacy program. Additional resources will be provided including a toolbox of ideas to assist children, parents and teachers in sparking creativity and promoting the writing process. Schools can obtain more information, request book marks to provide to their students, posters and more by contacting the Young Writers’ Award directly via the contact form.
Entries will be judged by an experienced panel based on the Award criteria.
The Young Writers’ Award has two categories:
1. The Children’s Picture Book category
A short, structured story to 250 words, fiction or non-fiction.
Story only, no illustrations required.
The winning story will be professionally illustrated and produced as a 32-page hard copy book and in e-book format.
2. The Children’s Short Story category
A work of short fiction between 850 and 1000 words.
Story only, no illustrations required.
The winning story will be illustrated and produced as an early reader hard copy book of between 32 and 64 pages and in e-book format.
While entrants are required to nominate the most appropriate category for books entered, the Young Writers’ Award reserves the right to vary this according to the appraisal of the judges.
The writer must be:
Aged between 9 and 13 years of age in the year 2019 and
Enrolled as a primary or secondary school student or home schooled.
The writer must be either:
An Australian citizen.
If not an Australian citizen, resident in Australia for at least two years prior to the year of publication.
Hold permanent residency status for Australia.
Works entered must have themes and content suitable for a readership of between 3 and 12 years of age.
Children can enter more than one story and may enter stories in both categories but a maximum of two entries are allowed in total.
Joint/Co-authored entries accepted.
All stories must be the work of the child and presented in a finished manner having been proof-read.
Assistance with seeding of ideas, story structure and final assistance with proofing can be provided by a mentor.
The work must not have been previously published.
The work must be in English.
Five young authors will be shortlisted in each category.
The winner of each category will receive a $250 Book Club voucher. The winning story will be proofread and edited as required, illustrated and published for distribution in Australia.
The other four shortlisted entries in each category will each receive a $150 Book Club voucher and Certificate of Achievement.
Submissions will be judged by an experienced panel based on the award criteria. The Judging Panel will comprise three to four judges including prominent children’s authors and experienced publishing industry representatives.
The judges will work under the direction of an Award Coordinator and will select a shortlist of up to five books per category based on the Award criteria. They will choose a winner and two highly commended books per category from the shortlisted titles.
Judges will assess the quality of entries based on:
style and language
creativity and originality
story line and plot
character development (as appropriate)
Judges will take into account the age of the entrant.
Entry in the Young Writers’ Award is free of charge.
Entries open: Monday 15 July 2019
Entries close: Monday 16 December 2019
Short list announced: Wednesday 19 February 2020
Winners announced: Wednesday 4 March 2020
Entries without a completed entry form will not be deemed eligible.
A maximum of two entries per person in total are allowed (can be in each category or same category).
Entries may be submitted by a parent, guardian or teacher.
Mentorship must be provided only in terms of assistance with seeding of ideas, story structure and final proofing.
Receipt of entry will be acknowledged via email.
Entries submitted for the award will not be returned.
Book Club will be the publisher of the winning entries. The winner’s parent or guardian must be willing and able to enter into an Author’s Agreement with Book Club. Book Club will have the final right of refusal should the parent or guardian not agree to the terms of the Author’s Agreement.
Breach of the conditions of entry will render an entry invalid.
Schools entering one or more submissions can choose to complete a bulk entry form if they are using the YWA as part of their school writing program. Note if you do not wish to do a bulk entry and would prefer your students to enter themselves they can do so by submitting an “Individual Online Submission”, see instructions below.
1. Download the bulk entry summary form from the “Teachers Toolbox” page.
2. Enter each student details on the spreadsheet. All students details will appear on this one (1) form.
3. Post two (2) copies of each student’s story along with the summary bulk entry form to the address below.
For individuals who wish to enter.
1. Complete the online entry form.
2. A submission confirmation will be emailed to you.
3. Post two (2) copies of your story to the address below. Ensure your full name is written clearly on each copy.
The work must be typed and printed on A4 single-sided paper and each copy should be stapled in the top left corner. (Note, please do not bind copies). We will not accept hand written submissions that are difficult for the judges to read. Pleased Do not include any additional folders or documentation with your entry. Unfortunately it will not be possible for entries to be returned.